How to buy crypto

Once you've made a Web3 wallet and connected it to your DappRadar account, your profile will be complete. But in order to be active and use blockchain applications, you will need some cryptocurrency.

DappRadar has integrated the best fiat on-ramp services. Allowing Web3 explorers to directly purchase the crypto they need using a creditcard, and keep it in full self-custody.

DappRadar has integrated Wyre and Transak, giving users options to choose from. What's even more important, with Transak you...

  • can choose from 130+ different cryptocurrencies

  • get crypto on 75+ different blockchains

  • have access to service in more than 125 countries

Purchase crypto on DappRadar using Transak or Wyre
  • Make sure you're logged in and your Web3 wallet is connected.

  • Click on your Account, in the top right corner.

  • Click on "Buy Crypto" for <your wallet address>

  • Select Wyre or Transak

  • Follow the instructions on screen to finalize your crypto purchase using your creditcard

Last updated