Dapp Project Pages

While most users will recognize DappRadar from its rankings, it's actually the Dapp Product Page that forms the basis of this. On a Dapp Product Page users can find on-chain data about their favorite dapp. You can see the Single Dapp Page as a product page, where developers can promote their dapps using description, screenshots and trailers.

The Dapp Product Page has been created with a product in mind. Therefore one Dapp Product Page can contain smart contracts from various dapps across different ecosystems. We often refer to these a 'multichain dapps'. For example, for the NFT marketplace OpenSea we track smart contracts on Ethereum, Solana and Polygon.

From a dapp perspective, these would be 3 different dapps. However, as a product they can be considered one. On the Dapp Product Page users can filter data per blockchain, giving them lots of control over the data they want to see.

Every Dapp Product Page consists of the Overview tab, and in addition a variety of information tabs with additional and much deeper data. Let's dive in.


On the Dapp Product Page one can generally find four different data points.

  • Users - the number of Unique Active Wallets interacting with a dapp's smart contracts.

  • Transactions - number of transactions made to and from the dapp's smart contracts.

  • Volume - the total of value of the transactions going through a smart contract.

  • Balance - the total value of assets in a smart contract.

However, these data points don't mean the same for every dapp. These are the very standard metrics used by DappRadar to measure activity to and from particular smart contracts. Most of these metrics work very well for software that's completely dependent on on-chain actions.

However, whenever software only uses the blockchain sporadically, DappRadar isn't able to measure user activity to the fullest. A custom integration would be required.

Some examples:

  • When playing Splinterlands, gamers generate on-chain transactions every time they trade items, claim rewards or play a game. DappRadar is able to track all users.

  • Playing Axie Infinity doesn't require any blockchain transaction. Users will only interact with the smart contract when they buy or sell NFTs, or claim their rewards. DappRadar can only track a part of users.

  • Users who are logging into Decentraland need to provide a blockchain signature, but that's not a transaction. Therefore this data isn't tracked. The only thing DappRadar tracks are smart contract interactions, or in the case of Decentraland: NFT trades of land parcels.


DeFi dapps have a DeFi tab where they show much of the relevant information:

  • TVL - the Total Value Locked in the smart contracts of a dapp

  • aTVL - the Adjusted TVL, which measures TVL without taking token price changes into account

  • Market Cap - The native token price x the circulating supply

  • Cap/TVL - Fully dilluted market cap to nominal TVL


Every dapp that uses NFTs, has the NFTs tab. Here you will find data about the following:

  • Trading volume in USD

  • Traders, the number of unique wallets involved in trading

  • Sales, the number of sales taking place

  • Market cap, the total combined value of all NFT collections belonging to that dapp

  • Floor price, the price of the cheapest NFT in a particular collection

  • Avg price, the average price of all NFTs sold over a period of time

In the NFTs tab, users can also find an overview of all the latest NFT sales in a collection. They can filter the sales on price ranges, time frames and other measurements. DappRadar PRO Members have access to more filter options, and can combine multiple filters.

DappRadar also provides graphs that users can download as a PNG. In addition, DappRadar PRO Members can download raw and complete data over 7 days, 30 days or lifetime.


Every dapp that has a marketplace functionality has the Marketplaces tab. Here you will find data about:

  • Trading volume per day

  • The number of traders

  • Average price of all NFTs sold

  • Top NFT Sales on a certain time frame


The community can list all kinds of (non-blockchain) tools that can be used by users of certain products. Guides, token trackers, browser extension, and the list goes on. Learn more how to add Tools through our guide.


In the About section, users can see the following data:

  • The date a dapp got listed on DappRadar

  • The date when the product page was updated for the last time

  • The number of smart contracts tracked for a particular dapp.

  • All the contracts of the dapp, linked to the corresponding block explorer. Normal members can see the list of smart contracts for 3 dapps per day, while PRO members have no limitations.

  • Verified contract notifications (coming soon)

  • Publisher information (coming soon)

  • Developer information (coming soon)

Last updated