Dapp Tools

A collection of tools that compliment dapps or decentralized services. Often used for calculations, management or optimization.

DappRadar tracks thousands of decentralized applications, or dapps. These range from token swap services to lending platforms, and from NFT collections to GameFi and metaverse platforms. Each of these dapps comes with their own utility, and sometimes the community can create tools that help to improve a dapp, optimize their experience, improve the meta and so on.

On DappRadar each dapp has the ability to showcase Dapp Tools, a list of tools that can help the community of that particular dapp. See below, the tools that help to improve the experience of DeFi Kingdoms.

Those who have a favorite dapp and want more community members to participate, become active, and generate value, can supply a list of tools to DappRadar. Here's how you can submit a tool to DappRadar:

  • Make sure the dapp you want to provide the tools for, is listed on DappRadar

  • Go to the DappRadar Github, and then fork (make a copy) of the repository

  • Open the "tools.json" file

  • You will need to slug of the dapp.

    • Example: slug for https://dappradar.com/harmony/games/defi-kingdoms is "defi-kingdoms"

  • Every tool requires: a name, a destination URL, a short description

  • Optional details: an image, author name, social details (type, URL)

For example, one tool would look like this:

    "slug": "defi-kingdoms",    
    "tools": [
            "title": "Freak's Axie Extension",
            "url": "http://url-to-extension.com",
            "image": "http://image-url.com",
            "description": "An extension to help you play Axie Infinity. It shows number of breeds, HP, speed, purity, and pending exp",
            "social": [
                    "type": "Website",
                    "url": "https://freakitties.github.io/axie/"
            "authorName": "freak#0001"
            "title": "...",
  • When you're done. Save the "tools.json" file

  • Make a pull request

Congratulations, you've now enriched the dapp page, helping the community of a particular dapp. The DappRadar team will verify your entry and update the page as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Last updated