Welcome to DappRadar

DappRadar is the biggest Web3 dapp distribution platform, we are The World's Dapp Store. One million users per month use DappRadar to discover new dapps, gain insights into DeFi and NFT collections, or to learn more about GameFi and play-to-earn gaming. Established in 2018, DappRadar has now become a prominent discovery platform in the Web3 industry, providing insights to investors, journalists, researchers, media and of course consumers.

With the RADAR token at its core, DappRadar embraces the collaborative nature of Web3. Users, investors and developers can participate in governance, and influence the future of the world's dapp store. The RADAR token also powers Contribute2Earn, an ambitious effort to supercharge and empower our most dedicated community members.

Different products to discover

DappRadar offers a wide variety of products for users to discover, interact and make part of their daily routine when interacting with blockchain technology. Our Rankings always give users an idea of what's trending, while the Portfolio allows them to manage their tokens, DeFi positions and NFT holdings. The value of someone's NFT collection is determined through machine learning algorithms and blockchain analysis.

Through Token Explorer users can see token price movements, while the integrated Token Swap gives users the option to directly buy or sell tokens on either the Ethereum, BSC or Polygon blockchain.

Are you interested? Let's learn how you can get started using DappRadar.

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