Blockchain technology allows people to build autonomous protocols on distributed systems. These pieces of software on the blockchain - also called dapps - are often designed by communities from all over the world. Because there’s no central authority behind them, decentralized governance is essential to introduce decision-making. Token holders get to suggest, debate, and potentially add to a service, game or dapp.
On DappRadar, we use the RADAR token as our way of giving community members influence over decisions and developments on our platform.
Past DappRadar Community Proposals (DCPs)
Below you find a small selection of DCPs which have taken place in 2022. With gamification making an introduction in 2023, we expect to introduce more DCPs in the upcoming calendar year. Of course, community members are also free to draft and introduce proposals.
Cross-chain staking development options (DCP-5)
Use unclaimed airdrop tokens to extend the RADAR ecosystem (DCP-2)
Bounties platform Layer3 vs DeWork (DCP-3)
The DappRadar Governance tech stack
Discord - where the community can discuss ideas
Forum - where ideas become plans for a proposal
Snapshot - where the community posts and votes on proposals
Gnosis - the multi-sig governance treasury
Boardroom - where the community can keep track of all things related to DappRadar governance(not available at the moment)
DappRadar Governance step-by-step
As a RADAR token holder, you automatically unlock new possibilities in the DappRadar ecosystem. Your RADAR token holdings give you a vote in the future development of The World’s Dapp Store.
The community discusses on Discord in our public channels. Once a certain idea gains traction, it’s time to create more structure.
An idea will then be moved to our Forum, where the community contributes to create a proposal. When a proposal has been formulated, it’s time to give the vote to the community. You will need at least 20 votes, and of course the majority of the votes need to be in favor.
After that, only a community member with at least 100,000 RADAR tokens can submit and post a proposal on Snapshot. Once posted on Snapshot, token holders with RADAR tokens in their Web3 wallet are eligible to vote. Voting works by signing a gas free message. The more tokens someone holds, the bigger their voting power. The minimum voting period is 72 hours. A proposal only passes when 10,000,000 (10 million) RADAR tokens or more participate in the vote. When this is not the case, the plan gets dumped or needs to go back to the writing table.
Once a proposal has been accepted by the community and it doesn’t require any on-chain transactions, development will start. However, when tapping into the Treasury is required, the proposal can be vetoed within a 72h timeframe by DappRadar’s management. When they approve the proposal, funds will be made available and development can begin. However, when they reject the proposal the community will need to improve it in order to get approval.
Last updated